I finally reached what I wanted to be more: a child. Joseph Heller
Happy days 5 and 6!
Yesterday I could not write, and today I just... Today was the Day of Kings, and I've been quite busy to finish on time the gifts. Before this year, I buy gifts, wrapping et voilà! But this year, with my new project underway, I decided that I had to make. I made a couple of charms for the Mobile and a couple of brooches with my crochet donuts, and 3 painted wooden boxes and decorate customized for their future owners (but not made pictures, I'm that clueless!). Everyone liked them, so they encouraged me to pursue my Etsy shop project.
What I can do is show you pictures of my donuts, which are not finished yet, but you can already see the look that will have... Mmmm! I want eat them all!